Don't Be A Victim!
I will never conduct market business in the comment section of any social media platform.
I, Kate am the only Point of Contact for our Markets & Vendor Scheduling here at Farmhouse.
My one and only Market email is KatesNDM@gmail.com
If that isnt your point of contact, it's fake.
The VBPD is aware since theyre using my real name to trick people, but we ask you stay diligent as well.
Market F.A.Q's

When and Where?
We hold our Market on various Days, but mainly on Saturdays and Sundays in the front yard of Back Bay's Farmhouse Brewery.
We starting in Feb through December.

Do I need a Business License?
The cities allows us to offer the option to give up to 3 test Markets with us before requiring City of VB license to Vend at our property.
Email us if you have any further questions.
If you do not have a business license but intended to get one, don't let that discourage you from applying. We have a great relationship with the city and can help you with that all via email! :)

What kind of Businesses are you looking for?
We look for handmade, home made, shop made, YOU made products. We are looking for food, crafts, gifts, and services. We have opened our space for Business and Companies looking to promote themselves.
At this time we are not looking for Franchised Companies or MLMs.

Are You Accepting New Vendors?
Applications for 2024 are posted. Read the timeline for more info.
We will open up applications again as the year progresses.